17th April 2020 - 17th July 2020 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Angdio Nagarico (0340052)
Task 1 - Exercises



17/04/2020 - WEEK 1

Mr. Vinod has given us a video about the introduction of typography and also an exercise for the first meeting (online) for our class. We have to create a sketch 6 different words and create a typeface by how the words mean itself. The words that I have chosen are LOUD, HIDDEN, LOVE, DISAPPEAR, FLY, and DROWN. We also need to digitalize the sketches by only using the 9 typefaces that Mr. Vinod has given us.

24/04/2020 - WEEK 2
This week is all about giving feedback for the first exercise, we were divided into 4 groups and showing our work one by one. Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul have given us feedbacks in progressing our first exercise so we can create better work for this assignment.

01/05/2020 - WEEK 3
No lectures were given due to public holidays but Mr. Vinod still creating his own short feedback session meeting from 8:30 - 9:30.

08/05/2020 - WEEK 4
"Letter Formatting"
Week 4 is all about letter formatting, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul taught us about letter formatting on Adobe InDesign such as how to create a name card using Adobe InDesign and also how to create and edit an article that we have created before, we also learned the difference between letter spacing and kerning and how to letter space a word and kerning a word. We were also given a task to create 3 or 4 different types of our own name cards and also create our own article by using Adobe InDesign.

15/05/2020 - WEEK 5
"Project 1 Feedback"
For week 5 Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul were giving us feedback for the final work of our project 1 which is the Letter Formatting project, Mr. Vinod also suggested all of us to try to be more critical or own letter formatting work in case of them missing something that is needed to change but didn't have the chance to point it out to us

22/05/2020 - WEEK 6
"Start of Project 2"
For week 6 Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul told us to start on our project 2 which is creating our own typeface or font. Mr. Vinod has given us some letters and signs for us to create, the letters that were given: a, e, o, p, t, i, m, t, h, g, b, d, y, ! , . we were told to sketch out our ideas for the project and we also learn how to allign the letters with guides.

29/05/2020 - WEEK 7
"Project 2 Process"
Week 7 is all about giving feedback on the lettering design that we have created from our sketches, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul were checking on our typeface sketches and giving everyone feedback about their designs. Mr. Shamsul also thought us how to digitalize our typeface sketches by using Adobe Illustrator.

05/06/2020 - WEEK 8
"Submission of Project 2"
Week 8 is the final week or the submission week for project 2, no actual lecture given on this week because Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul were checking on our project 2 work and also giving us some of us feedback on their typeface work and fix them. Mr. Shamsul also checked our blog or portfolio and told the ones that haven't completed their blog yet to complete it by this week.

12/06/2020 - WEEK 9
"Final Project Brief"
In week 9 Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul brief us through about the final project, brief us about what are we going to do, what are going to create or design, when is the submission date, when is the deadline, and what templates are we going to use for the final project. Mr. Vinod told us to come up with some phrases as the text on our final project and also give a little bit of feedback on the phrase's ideas.

19/06/2020 - WEEK 10
Final Project process"
For this week we were told to post our poster sketches ideas or design on the typography Facebook page so that Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul can go through on our work and progress, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul also gave us some feedback about our sketches that we have created and told us to try to digitalize our sketches into illustrator for those works who have been approved by Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul.

26/06/2020 - WEEK 11
"Final Project digitalizing"
For this week because it is already the final project week, so there will be no lecture given by Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul but they still give us feedbacks to everyone in every meeting.

03/07/2020 WEEK 12
"Final Project Feedback"
This week, Mr. Shamsul couldn't make it to the class meeting so there is only Mr. Vinod. Mr. Vinod was giving us some feedback about our final project work and also telling us to start doing our blog or and portfolio and also fill up our feedback sheet on google docs.

10/07/1010 WEEK 13
"Final Project Submission"
Final Project submission. This week we show our final work (animation) of the final project and Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul were giving us our last feedback and they told us to finish our blog before. week 14.

17/07/2020 WEEK 14
"BYE TYPOGRAPHY (for now)"



Week 1 (17/04/2020) - Exercise 1

Expressing 6 words by the meaning of the words.
The words: 
  1. LOUD
  2. DROWN
  4. LOVE
  6. FLY
These are some of my sketches.

fig. 1.1 LOVE sketches.

fig. 1.2 LOUD sketches.

fig. 1.3 HIDDEN sketches.

fig. 1.4 DISAPPEAR and FLY sketches.

fig. 1.5 DROWN sketches.

Here are the digitalized works.

fig. 2.1 Digitalize process.
fig. 2.2 Final Work.

Creating 6 differentiations of different words and digitalize one of the words according to its meaning.


The word that I choose to animate for this exercise is the word "LOUD".
fig. 3.1 LOUD animation process on illustrator.
fig. 3.2 LOUD animation process on photoshop.

fig. 3.3 LOUD final work.


Week 4 (08/05/2020) - Exercise 2

fig. 4.1 Name Card process.
fig. 4.2 Name Card JPEG.
fig. 4.3 Article 1 process.
fig. 4.4 Article 1 JPEG.
fig. 4.5 Article 2 process.
fig. 4.6 Article 2 JPEG.

InDesign Works PDF.


Week 5 (15/05/2020) - Project 1 

fig. 5.1 Final work process.

fig. 5.2 Final work JPEG.

A Designer's CODE of Ethics Final Work PDF.


Week 6 (22/05/2020) - Project 2

Project 2 - We were told to create our own typeface/font by using FontLab and Illustrator and generate it into our system as the new font that we can use.

fig. 6.1 Illustrator creating guidelines progress.
fig. 6.2 Illustrator designing my own typeface progress.
fig. 6.3 FontLab progress.
fig. 6.4 FontLab kerning, type testing, and generate progress.

fig. 6.5 Final Work JPEG.

I am a type god, obey me! Final Work PDF.
typeface name: a new font.


Week 9 (12/06/2020) - Final Project

Final Project - For the final project we were told to design a poster with a text that we choose ourselves and then animate it as the final result.

fig. 7.1 Sketches and ideas.

fig. 7.2 sketches and ideas

fig. 7.3 sketches and ideas
fig. 7.4 Photoshop process (animate).

fig. 7.5 Illustrator process (animate).

Poster final result PDF.

fig. 7.6 Poster Final result JPEG.


Week ONE: (Introduction)
General Feedback - Mr. Vinod reminds us to label our blog and edit our blog as similar as possible to how Mr. Vinod told us to do and Mr. Shamsul teaches us how to design and edit using adobe illustrator.

Specific Feedback- No specific feedback given by Mr. Vinov and Mr. Shamsul in this week.

Week TWO:
General Feedback - Mr. Vinod keeps on reminding us to take a better picture next time when you want to post the picture into the vlog and another thing that Mr. Vinod says is about excuses for not finishing the work after the deadline, never use the word forgotten to do your work.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul have given me some useful feedback to redo my first exercise, the first feedback is instead of screen capture the final work better to save the file as JPEG, another feedback from my work is adding more letterspacing for the word FLY and don't overdo the shadow that I've created, another feedback is from Mr. Vinod itself is that I don't need to rotate every single letter from the word HIDDEN and resize the letters bigger, for the word DROWN Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul suggested to add a faint line as it expresses as water, and lastly is redo the letter DIS from DISAPPEAR, instead of creating it as italic just make it normal and also resize the DIS same as the word APPEAR.

General Feedback - Due to the public holiday, no feedbacks were given.

Specific Feedback - Due to the public holiday, no feedbacks were given.

Week FOUR:
General Feedback - Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul suggested everyone to practice on how to use Adobe InDesign.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod said that my name card design was too simple and it was not interesting at all and for my third name card design, Mr. Vinod said that the contact information at the bottom must be aligned with the address information. 

Week FIVE:

General Feedback - Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul gave feedback for each person in the class about InDesign project 1.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod suggested me to try to express the word "code" with another design and Try to come out with more idea for the heading.

Week SIX:
General Feedback - We must be critical with our own work and we also must stick with alignment for the large text.

Specific Feedback - No specific feedback were given by Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul.

General Feedback - Mr. Vinod suggested us to use ruler the guideline for the letter that you're designing and the guideline should be precise to the letters.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul said that among all the letters that I have created, the letter "e" and letter "y" seems like it doesn't fit with the typeface family, but overall it looks fine.

General Feedback - Mr. Vinod said that our final JPEG must be exported (BW) 300dpi and uploaded to your portfolio and we must embed your Final PDF layout (only final in PDF format), we also must make our document visible to everyone in Google Drive and if there is no formal lecture in that week, we can make mention of what demonstration of briefing occurred during class (InDesign Demo/etc)
5. Further reading must be accompanied by an image of the book or the site.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod said that I need to be more active with my work because I'm a senior and Mr. Vinod also points out my letter i and my exclamation mark "!" that they don't have any thin stroke and they're basically on a same straight line.

Week NINE:
General Feedback - Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul told us to come up with some phrases or words for the final project.

Specific Feedback - No specific feedback were given by Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul. (my power cut off).

19/06/2020 Week TEN
General Feedback - Mr. Vinod told everyone not to use other typefaces beside the 9 type families that Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul has provided at the pass. Mr. Vinod also said that the main word/s from the text must represent its meaning.

Specific Feedback - My texts for the final project was "Making mistakes is not a SIN, it is a way to SOLVE new problem." and Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul ask me to shorten it to "sin and solve" but put a letter "N" at the middle between those words as and.

General Feedback - Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul said don't ever use the "Comic San MS" typeface because designers would never use that typeface and it is prohibited to use that typeface in typography.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod told me that my poster has no idea at all and what do I mean by "SIN N SOLVE" that I need to have a little bit of explanation at the bottom, the other feedback that I get was Mr. Vinod suggested me to draw like an eye shape or an oval shape with a pointy edge as the divider for the black and white color.

General Feedback - Mr. Vinod told everyone to fill up the feedback google sheet and start on completing our blog or portfolio.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod said that my animation is quite good and he liked it but he also said that my poster is too plain because there was no background, so Mr. Vinod suggested me to put like a wall texture of a door as the background, Mr. Vinod told me to edit my text at the bottom and separated into multiple words to fill up the empty space and he also suggested me to narrow down the size of my artboard.

General Feedback - Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul told everyone to complete our portfolio before the next class because the next class would be the deadline for everything.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul said that my background is too standout than the words itself and suggested me to change it into a more simple background.
2. Mr. Shamsul said that my work is too simple.

General Feedback - Mr. Vinod told us to organize our blog so that it would look neater and Mr. Vinod also told us to create our blog exactly like how he has explained and describe it on Facebook.

Specific Feedback - Mr. Vinod direct message me and said that where is the links to go to every exercises and also don't forget to insert the instruction on the final compilation blog.



Week ONE: The first day of Typography class by online meeting, it was a bit weird to have an online class then an actual class but overall the class is pretty much the same as semester 1, we were told to create our new Gmail and blog and we also got our first assignment.

Week TWO: The second week of Typography class is basically the same as the first meeting which is also online but this week is more about giving feedback for the first exercise and I got some really helpful advice from both Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul.

Week THREE: Nothing to experience from the session due to public holidays.

Week FOUR: In the fourth week I experience something new which is learning how to create a name card using Adobe InDesign and that didn't happen in the last Typography class in semester 1.

Week FIVE: For week five I did the same task that has done in semester 1 and I also choose the same topic which is the one with the code of ethics, but I designed my project differently than my work before.

Week SIX: For Week six it is the start of project 2 which is the font design project so I try to sketch some lettering designs that I might want to create later on as the font design project and we were given the assignment to look for references on the internet.

Week SEVEN: For week seven nothing really happens except for receiving feedbacks from Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul and apparently I didn't get any feedback because I didn't show my work progress at that time.

Week EIGHT: For week eight I submit my work and Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul seem to not have any problem with my work except for the alignment of my text and that's all from week eight.

Week NINE: For week nine is the start of our final project and we were asked to come up with several texts as the words that we use for the final project and there was a lot of interesting lines from other classmates that I think are great for the final project and I might steal those words but I came up with my own line.

Week TEN: For week ten I was sketching my design ideas for the final project and it was not easy to come up with designs that can express the line that you have created.

Week ELEVEN: For week eleven all I can say was animate something is a pain in the a** because it takes a lot of time and a lot of artboards (using illustrator) and I was so tired of the lagging from my computer but at least it turns out not that bad.

Week TWELVE: For week twelve we don't really do much because it is the final project week so Mr. Vinod gave us the time to finish up our final work and all I did was changing the background of my work.

Week THIRTEEN: For week thirteen I did nothing in class because I have submitted the project and completed the google sheets feedback.

Week FOURTEEN: This is my reattempt Typography class and it is definitely different with the last typography class that I had in semester 1, the main reason is we attend the class via online instead of having the class physically and learning also seems to be a little bit harder than usual but because I had already attempted this class before on semester 1, I don't find that this semester is any different than the last one and it makes my work easier because I already know what ai should do for every exercises and project. being a senior in the class is not fun at all because you will have this burden in your shoulder thinking about the lecturer must be expecting something more advance from the senior, but overall I kind off enjoying this semester more than last semester because I understand more and had an experience about the task that the lecturer has given to do and it might help me in the future.


Week ONE: When the first Typography class started I basically already know the steps on creating the blog, the rules, the exercises, the project, and what you have to do because I've done this before and it seem like not a lot of thing changes.

Week TWO: In this week I discovered a lot of very interesting ideas from every single student in this class, I could never think that there would be so many ideas for creating such typefaces for each word without looking at every work from my classmates even though some ideas are similar-looking but still different expression.

Week THREE: No observations were found from the session due to public holidays.

Week FOUR: In this week I discovered several ways to create your own personal name card by using Adobe InDesign and I also discovered some new tricks on how to use Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator.

Week FIVE: In his week I discovered that the topics that we are going to choose for project 1 are the same as the topics from my last typography class at semester 1 and they didn't change any of the titles but there are some changes in the texts.

Week SIX: In this week I discovered that everyone in the class has their own style and personality on designing and creating something, it's like some people are more on the wild and dramatic sides, some people are more on the feminine and simple sides, and some are on the cute and pretty sides.

Week SEVEN: In this week I don't really get any new things or technic or knowledge because this week it's all about giving feedback to our works.

Week EIGHT: In this week I discovered a lot of amazing work for project 2 from every person in the class and there were a lot of different styles from everyone.

Week NINE: In this week I discovered that a lot of my classmates have come up with a lot of nice lines for the final project and it is interesting or me that there are not only really great lines but there are also some funny lines that I think it was genius to put it into the final project poster.

Week TEN: In this week I discovered a lot of interesting sketches and design ideas from a different person in the class, there are also some design ideas that I personally like and might use it for something in the future.

Week ELEVEN: In this week I discovered that there are lots of ways to animate something or apps for doing animation.

Week TWELVE: In this week I discovered that there are still a lot of people who didn't fill up their feedbacks google sheets yet and I used to be one of them.

Week THIRTEEN: In this week I didn't discover anything new but I do notice that it's almost the end of the typography class.

Week FOURTEEN: In this week it is the final week of typography for this semester and I still discovered some people who are doing a really good job with their portfolio and blog.


Week ONE: I found out that looking at someone else's works really helped me to find lots of idea for the first assignment that Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul has given us and I also learned some tricks and tips on using Adobe Illustrator.

Week TWO: I found out that even though I already experience this class before, I still manage to create some mistake or downside from my work and I also found out that looking at other people's work really has given more ideas and also can be inspiring for me.

Week THREE: I found out that Mr. Vinod has created a short zoom session for giving feedback to the one who needed it.

Week FOUR: I found out a new way on how to make your own name card and also found out how to edit an article on Adobe InDesign.

Week FIVE: I found out that the topic title for project 1 was the same as the last topic title on my last typography in semester 1.

Week SIX: I found out that every person in the class has a different taste and perspective on designing something.

Week SEVEN: I found out that this week Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul are only giving us feedback about our project 2 and nothing more.

Week EIGHT: I found out that I can learn about design not only by studying but also by looking at other people's work because it might give you some ideas or inspiration for you.

Week NINE: I found out that this is our final project and after the final project is done there will be no more typography tasks for a while.

Week TEN: I found out that doing the final project is not only making or designing a poster however you like because the design of the poster also has to be related to the words or lines that we choose and the design also has to have a meaning in it.

Week ELEVEN: I found out that animating is the most annoying part of the design because it is the part where it takes the most time, the part where if you did a little mistakes it ruins all your works.

Week TWELVE: I found out that Mr. Shamsul didn't make into the class and there are some people who haven't done the feedback google sheets.

Week THIRTEEN: I found that it is almost the end of the typograph class and we are ending it sooner that it supposed to be.

Week FOURTEEN: I found out that today is the last day of typography on this semester and everyone is happy.


fig. 4.1 Typographic Design: Form and Communication. (vol.7).
Typographic Design: Form and Communication (vol.7) is the book that I chose because of this book it contains a lot of information about the reference for graphic designers and it also provides a comprehensive introduction to the visual word. This book also reminds us about typography can communicate so much more than the words themselves and it also tells you about typographic design that can determine you about the way you feel from a message. This book provides essential guidance on everything related to type: from letterforms and negative space to messaging, processes, and history, aspiring designers will find great utility in mastering these critical concepts.

fig. 4.2 An Essay on Typography by Eric Gill book.
I read about typography in this book and it says one of the most alluring enthusiasms that can occupy the mind of the letterer is that of inventing a really logical and consistent alphabet having a distinct sign for every distinct sound for the letters we use only inadequately symbolize the sound of our language. It says we need many new letters and revaluation of existing ones. And Eric Gill said that there are 3 alphabets in common use for English people and they are Roman Alphabet of Capital Letters (upper-case), and the second is Roman lower-case & Italic. And there are qualities of making good typography like the matter of slope, serifs, or the thickness or thinness of the type. Typography was originally done by pressing the inked surface or 'face' of a letter made of wood or metal against a surface of paper or vellum.


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