(04, January 2021 - 15, February 2021)
Angdio Nagarico (0340052)
Intercultural Design.


Due to COVID the University has decided to conduct the classes via online/digital by zoom call.

WEEK 1 (04, January 2021)
Lecture 1 - Briefing & Netnograpy.

Mr. Arizal Briefed us through about the module and we learnt that we're going to work as a group for this semester, we're also informed that our lectures consist of a series given to us by the guest lecturers.

We also learnt about the Netnography and how we can use the netnographic on the online based research.

WEEK 2 (11, January 2021)

Lecture 2 - Guest Lecture 1.

This week our lecturer told us that there will be 2 guest lecturers that are going to talk about their experience on the cultural design.

Mr. Tintoy Choi (Founder of Fusion Wayang Kulit)
Mr. Tintoy Choi talked about how he managed to come up with is "Fusion Wayang Kulit' and how he found it, he also showed us some of his works and projects and hhhe duscusses how he could turn or modify the wayang kulit into modern characters inspite that wayang kulit is known as a traditional thing.

Fusion Wayang Kulit's Youtube channel:

Reflection: I found that the lectures are quiet interesting and I was also amazed at how Mr. Tintoy can figured out something like this to create a modern version of a wayang kulit. I appreciate hhow Mr. Tintoy able to balance out the part of a wayang kulit where it was supposed to be a traditional thing only but he managed to change that and create a moderntype of wayang kulit.

Ms. Natasha M.H ( CEO of GAHARA)

Ms. Natasha talked about Batik and GAHARA. Ms. Natasha talked about that Gahara is a textile producer for batik so that it can promotes and educates other people in Malaysia about what batik is. Gahara is known for the specislisation in block print inspired by wood carvings of palaces.

WEEK 3 (18, January 2021)

Lecture 3 - Guest Lecture 2.

Mr. Abdul Munir Yahya ( Fashion and Craft Designer)

Mr. Abdul talked about his experience working at a Commonwealth Museum in London and as a batik designer and craft expert in Malaysia. He gave us some advice on working at many countries and cultures, he also suggested us to do some research about the countries dances, musics and etc if we want to work at different countries.

Reflection: I found that this lecture from Mr. Abdul could really help me in the future as if I want to work on a different countries because by knowing and learning about other countries cultures we can expand our own knowledge.

Dr. Emilia Ong ( University Malaya Cultural Center Lecturer).

Dr. Emilia talked about her past and journey on learning about the conceots of culture. She also introduced us to cultural studies and explain the definition of culture and showcase books and lectures that she used as he sources of research.

Dr. Emilia's Website:

Reflection: In this lecture I learnt about the cultural studies and also found some sources that she gave us as a reference for a research.

WEEK 4-7.
No classes to attend because our lecturers told us to focus on our project.


Project 1 - Proposal.

For our first project we were told to create a proposal, the proposal should be supported with our research and also our showcase ideas for our final project design. We were also be given 5 different themes to choose for our project.

These are the 5 given themes:
  1. Preservation.
  2. Revival.
  3. Sustenance.
  4. Assimilation.
  5. Trends.
The theme that our group has choosen for our group project is the " Assimilation " theme 

For this assimilation theme our group has found some references on the Mexican Culture "Alebrijes". Each member of our group try to choose a place and look for a creature that can refer to the place that each member has chosen. The culture that our group has come up are the Romanian culture, Chinese, Japannese, and Indonesian culture.

The slides:

PDF file:

Project 2 - Field Study.

On our second project ( continuation from project 1) we were told to do some research about hybrid creature by our lecturer, and also try to brainstrom and design our own hybrid creature.

In week 5 we were able to conduct a private meeting with our lecturer and show him our ideas about creating a new hybrid creature and our lecturer seems to like the idea and he also gave us some tips to help us on how can our new hybrid creature explain itself that it is a hybrid creature that have a connection with our borderless culture situation right now.

We were also told to make an online survey to the general public so that we can know about the opinions of the public or their thoughts of creating a hybrid creature that is connected to this borderless era.

Our group managed to create 8 different hybrid creatures:
  1. Tibiscus (malayan tiger, sun bear, and hibiscus flower)
  2. Cyber Chonk ( cyborg, a bee, and a fat dog)
  3. Rhincaca Owl (Barred-Eagle Owl, Sumatran Rhinoceros, and a Long tailed Macaque)
  4. Pioma (Llama, Scorpion, Eagle, and Tiger)
  5. Tigon (Tiger and a Dragon)
  6. Tigiris (Malayan Tiger and a Malayan Peacock peasant)
  7. Biscusfly (Bison and a Butterfly)
  8. Cotlas (Atlas Moth and a Colugo)
Our data collection slide:

After we gathered all the data collection, we also gathered some feedback from the people who did the survey.

The Feedbacks:

We also did some explanation of each hybrid creature:

Final Project.

For our Final project it is a combination between project one and project two. On our final project we are required to use all the data that we have collected from our research to produce the visualOn our final project we are required to use all the data that we have collected from our research to produce the visual design outcome that reflect the theme we have chosen on the first place which is the assimilation theme.

Based on the research and data collection of survey that we have gathered the majority of people has voted for Tigiris as the best hybrid creature, so our group has decided to use Tigiris as our hybrid creature for the final project outcome.

fig. 1 Tigiris
fig. 1 Tigiris Illustration

fig. 2 Tigiris Whatsapp Stickers.

fig. 3 Tigiris merch

fig. 4 Tigirs merch.

fig. 5 Tigiris merch.

Based on the pictures above we have created an illustration of a Tigiris fighting and blowing the virus away and we also created some stickers for the whatsapp social media and some collateral merch and a cursor for computer.

Our Final Project slides:


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