Week 1 - Week 7 (6/1/2020 - 21/2/2020)
Angdio Nagarico (0340052)
Information Design


Lecture 1
Flip Topic 1: Manuel Lima's 9 Directives Manifesto.

On the first week of class, the lecturers introduced us to the module for the first week and we were told to create our own group of 4 - 5 people by our lecturer, at first our groups was consists of 4 people which is me, Anita, Gaby, and Yesika, after we're told to select our own group member, Mr. Kannan our lecturer told us to pick your group leader and create a presentation for the next meeting and discuss about the topic that was given by the lecturer. In the middle of the discussion, the lecturer suddenly decided to quickly brief about the topic.

My group's presentation slides:

Lecture 2
Flip Topic 2: L.A.T.C.H

On the second week of class, the lecturers gave us a new assignment which is the L.A.T.C.H topic, we were told to create a new slide using google slides and present it in the next class. L.A.T.C.H
is short for Location, Alphabet, Time, Category, and Hierarchy. The slides that we're going to present must consist of explanations, pictures, and examples.

My group's presentation slides:

Lecture 3
Flip Topic 3: Miller's Laws (Chunking).

On the third week of class, we were given a new topic for the presentation for the next meeting, the topic for this week is about chunking, we were told to discuss how chunking may affect the bits of help of an infographic. This slide must consist of an explanation of the topic and also provide an example.

My group's presentation slides:

Lecture 4 & 5
Flip Topic 4 & 5: Different Types of Infographics and Online Tools.

Before we end our class for this short semester, we were given a new topic to discuss for the final presentation. For flip 4, the slide must consist of explanation for each infographic and also provide an example meanwhile for flip 5, each member of the group must re-create one of the examples among every example from the slide that we have made using an online tool from the internet and rate the online tool for how well does the online tool work plus a review.

My group's presentation slides:


Exercise 1: Quantify and Visualize Data.

  • Materials: Buttons and LEGOS.
  • Description: We have to arrange and organize each object on a piece of A4 paper according to their categories and their indicators data. the information of how the objects were presented must be interesting, clear, and also shows the pieces of information on how the objects organized.
I found this first exercise quiet challenging and also really confusing because at first glance of the buttons I immediately starting to get a headache and it also hurts my eyes, but after I finish arranging those buttons according to their own types of "family" it helps the process of organizing the buttons easier and less confusing.

fig. 1.1 colors.

fig. 1.2 textures.

fig. 1.3 types.

fig. 1.4 final work.
To be completely honest, I'm not really satisfied with my final work here because of the picture that I took here is not completely organized, as you can see there are some buttons that weren't placed correctly, but overall I'm also quite pleased with the groupings that I have managed to create because not only I've managed to group them into their holes, I also managed to group them based on their sizes, textures, and types.

Exercise 2: L.A.T.C.H

  • Materials: Illustration software or any digital editing software.
  • Description: We have to create an infographic poster with 4 different Pokémon using any digitalize software. The infographic poster must be according to the L.A.T.C.H principles.
I found this exercise pretty fun to make because I personally used to watch Pokémon all the time and I also like to play Pokémon games on the computer so this exercise is actually quite enjoyable for me to make.

The 4 Pokémon that I choose:Charmander: Fire Type.
  1. Bulbasaur: Grass Type.
  2. Squirtle: Water Type.
  3. Pidgey: Normal and Flying Type.
The legendary world of Pokémon is a place where all living creatures with every kind of size and shape live in peace and harmony, where some of them are raised and trained by their trainers and compete with other Pokémon trainers.

fig. 2.1  background.

fig. 2.2 final work.
The final work of my Pokémon infographic shows where we can find these Pokémon, the types of Pokémon, and the evolution of the Pokémon, not forget to mention that this Pokémon infographic also shows the Mega Evolution of each Pokémon that I have chosen even though these Pokémon are from the generation 1.

Project 1: Infographic Poster. 

Description: We have to create an A3 size infographic poster about a recipe.

In this project 1, I decided to make an omelet as my food for my infographic recipe poster. The reason why I choose omelet as my material for the infographic recipe poster is because of how easy it is to make and the ingredients are also very simple 

fig. 3.1

The first thing that I did for this project is sketching the ingredients and the first scene for my second project of the animating using an app called Procreate on my iPad.

fig. 3.2 ingredients sketch

After sketching the ingredients, I started to make the omelet infographic recipe by using one of the 9 types of infographics from the last topic, I choose to make this recipe infographic according to the Process infographic. Process infographic shows the steps of creating something step by step, and it is similar to my recipe infographic which is guiding the people step by step of how to make an omelet.

fig. 3.3 final work of the project 1

Project 2: Animated Infographic.

Description: We have to choose between how are we going to animate the first project, by making it into a video or a gif.

For the animation, I decided to make a short video. I used the Adobe After Effect for editing each part of the video and for combining each frame or scene I used the Adobe Premier Pro.

For the video, I was thinking of dividing each scene into three-part, which is the opening ( how to make an omelet ), the ingredients and filling, and the process of making the omelet.

In case if the video can't be played on the blog, I also posted the same exact video on youtube
the link to the video:

FINAL PROJECT: Animated Infographic.

Description: We have to create a video with a minimum of 1 minute and 30 seconds of timeline or a maximum of 3 minutes.

Week 1: Title and Research.
In the first week of class, we were told to make a group of 4 and we were also given the opportunity to choose our own member, our group consists of 4 people at first which are me Angdio, Nyomanita, Gaby, and Yesika. After the group making, we were told to choose from 5 different topics and we end up choosing the Natural Disaster.

We try to think of some ideas that are not too complicated and simple. since all 4 of us are Indonesian, we started to think about what kind of natural disaster that Indonesia is famous about, a volcano and then we decided to name the main title as the volcano eruption.

Week 2: Narrative and Moodboard.
This week we were told that we had to finish our narrative for the storyline of our video that we were about to make. Before week 2 started, we were also been told to create a mood board for our next class which is on the second week,

My group's mood board:

My group's narrative:

Week 3: Sketch of the Storyboard.
This time we were told to sketch our storyboard so that Mr. Shamsul can see what are we up to and what are our ideas for this final project.

My group's storyboard:

Week 4: Storyboard and Animatic.
For this week we had to draw our storyboard digitally.

fig. 4.1 volcano 

fig. 4.2 volcanoes with lava

Week 5: Holiday

Week 6: VoiceOver.
This week we decided to record the voiceover for every scene in our video. We found out that recording voiceover is really hard because of the unwanted background sound and we must re-record the whole thing if another unwanted background sound appears.

fig. 4.3 voiceover audio files

Week 7:Searching and downloading sound effects for the background sound.
This week we were searching for multiple sound effects for the background sound in our final project video and edit the sound effects into the actual video, plus edit the voiceover to the video.

fig. 4.4 background audio files 

Week 8:Assembling everything together.
For this week we were focusing on putting everything together into a one-piece.


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