(Week 6 - Week 8)
Angdio Nagarico (0340052)
Advanced Typography


WEEK 6. Key Artwork and Collateral.

In this week I was absent so I didn't attend the class.

After the first task is done we were told to do our new assignment which is the second task, in this task we were told to design a logo by using our initial, mine is AN. The logo that we are creating should be relevant with the theme that we chose and the theme that I have chosen was Music.

The idea that I came up with was how can I turn my initial AN into a music note, so I try to sketch how I wanted my initial to look like and this is the sketch that I came up first.

Fig 1.1 sketching progress. 

After I was done with my sketching I immediately start to digitalise my sketch and it turn out just the way I wanted to be and it is also the final result of this task.

Fig 1.2 first attempt.

Fig 1.3 first attempt.

In this week assignment I was told to finish all task 1 and 2 because I was already late on submitting both of the task.

In this task we were told to design a poster that contain with our previous logo and theme. I use both Photoshop and Illustrator to do this assignment and this is how it turns out to be.

Fig 2.1 Illustrator work.

    Fig 2.2 first final result.

Fig 2.3 flat lay.


For my last attempt on task 2 I decided to change my key artwork into more to the graphic side rather than calligraphy side which is my last key artwork.

Fig 3.1 new key artwork.

Fig 3.2 poster progression

Fig 3.3 poster design.

Fig 3.4 Flat Lay.

TASK 2 pdf.


Week 8: General feedback: This week is the submission date for our task 2. Specific feedback: Mr. Vinod told me to update my blog according to what he ask for and also insert more thinngs in it because my blog was too empty. Week 7: General Feedback: This week Mr.Vinod scan through all posters from the class and he said that a poster should not be looked like a piece of paper with only colours and texts on it because no one would want to read that poster because it doesn't seem interesting enough to be read. a poster should look like a pice of fun article that everyone wants to read so it needs to be design as interesting as possible. Specific Feedback: After the class ended Mr. Vinod told me to stay for a while and he suggested that I need to quickly submit my task task 1 and 2 because it already ;late from the due date Week 6 Work incomplete (Type and Image). Absent often. Files not visible. I was absent on week 6


My experience in this task was not as pretty as the first task (task 1), I got really confuse on how can i make my design to represent the theme that I wanted to use and it took me quite some time to do the first attempt which was horrible but then I tried to more focus on the logo itself and not on how it should have my initial in the logo and it turned out decent for me and the animation invite was really difficult to do and it took me quite some times to finish my animation invite.

From my observations I notice there are also some classmates that has the same problem as I do and it actually kind of relive because it means that I'm not the only one who are struggling with this task because from the past task I was quite insecure with my work compare to other people's work because I can really tell the differences on how good they are at editing and designing compare to me.

I found out that my skill on logo designing is really low and it can really took me the longest time to digitalise a single logo and that is why I also found out that I don't really belong in graphic design cause the work that I did was not at all great. I found out that not every object can be the items as the collateral that we are making because it might not related to the key artwork that we choose to do in the first place.


Graphic Communication Today - William Ryan.

Due to the fact that collateral materials reflect the same design rules and are intended to promote the same event, company, or brand, they are critical components of advertising and branding in this book. This book also explains that while different materials have distinct physical features, they are still uniquely designed, and collateral can include a wide range of things and materials, such as brochures, calendars, CDs and DVDs, and so on. I also discovered that creating collateral materials is a fun and demanding job.


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