(Week 1 - Week 5)
Angdio Nagarico (0340052)
Advanced Typography



Typographic Systems.
There are 8 types of Typographic Systems
  1. AXIAL
  5. GRID
My Typographic system progressions:
Fig 1.1 progress 1

Fig 1.2 progress 2

Fig 1.3 progress 3

Fig 1.4 progress 4

The assignment for this week was we were told to create and came up with our own typographic systems design and we must at least create 2 design for each system.

Fig 2.1 RANDOM Typographic System.

Fig 2.2 AXIAL Typographic System.

Fig 2.3 MODULAR Typographic System.

Fig 2.4 RADIAL Typographic System.

Fig 2.5 TRANSITIONAL Typographic System.

Fig 2.6 GRID Typographic System.

Fig 2. 7 DILATIONAL Typographic System.

Fig 2.8 BILATERAL Typographic System.

In this week Mr. Vinod did not give us a new task to do but he did told us to redo our last task on week one and also told us to start porting on our e-portfolio and post our InDesign work in two different PDF's, one is with only our final work and the other one is with the visible grid lines.

 My InDesign final work PDF's (with grids).

My InDesign final work PDF's.

WEEK 3. Type and Play.

In this week we finalise our second task which is the typographic system task and then Mr. Vinod gave us a brand new task about creating our own typeface from nature pic. Mr. Vinod told us to pick a random picture and analyse that picture to find some shape or structure that can describe a letter or number, we were told to come up with 4 random letters from the picture and finalise it into a brand new typeface. The picture that I have chosen to use is a picture of a bunch of roses pile up together.

Fig 3.1 chosen picture.

I was absent on week four and I didn't attend the class. My WIFI was having its moment and it doesn't work. 

This is my attempt on identifying the letters on this rose picture and the letters that I have found and chosen to design are V, A, L, and K.

Fig 3.2 with identified letters.

Fig 3.3 identified letters close up.

This is how the letters procession from its original form to the finalised letters. How the letters forms and changes on every state. At first I was trying to go for a curved kinda look as you can see almost all design was on the curved theme. At last I decided to finish it up with more of a straight vibe than curved vibe.
Fig 3.4 letters making process.

Fig 3.5 My Finalised letters.


Week 5. Type and Play part two.

On week 5 Mr. Vinod continuing on giving his last feedback about the last assignment of the font designing exercise.

A new task was given which is the photoshop editing exercise, where we were told to choose a picture and try to insert a text that seem realistic and related with the picture we picked. This assignment is consider as our Task 1 of the semester.

This is the picture that I have chosen for my task 1 (realistic typing).

Fig. 4.1 Wet leaves.

After doing some research about realistic typing and watching some videos about how to edit the word that I'm going to use to look realistic, here is the screenshot of my PSD work and also the final result of my task 1 in JPEG and pdf.

Final work pdf.

Fig. 4.3 WET LEAVES.
The word that I'm trying to express is the word "WATER" because it can relate with how wet the leaves are with the water drops on it.


Week 5:
General Feedback: The feedback that Mr. Vinod gave us on this week was we should not create the text in our picture look too simplified and it should be more unique and advance looking and the other thing was only reducing the opacity doesn't help the text look like a realistic text at all because a realistic text should have some shadows on it. Week 4: I was absent on week 4. Week 3: General Feedback from this week was mr. Vinod suggested us to be think more wild when we want to create the random typographic system and also numbers must be the same size if not larger then the text that we are refering to. Mr. Vinod also told us to complete our e-portfolio by week 4 and told us to choose some picture for the next activity that is due next week. Specific Feedback was not given in this week. Week 2: General feedback that Mr. Vinod has given to us for this week are we are adviced to do a little more research on each typographic systems to get some ideas for our own work and he also told us all to gather all the feedback that he has given to all of the students in class and make it into a advantage as it can also help on our own work. Specific feedback that Mr. Vinod has given to me is that my design of the modular system is too confusing and also the fonts that I've used doesn't fit in the design work plus some of the text on my work are to narrow therefore it is hard to read. Week 1: In the first week of class Mr. Vinod Briefed us through how the class will be and for the semester. The first lecture that we got for this week is about the Typographic Systems and Mr. vinod told us to create our own design of the typographic system and come up with at least 2 for each system.


On the first week of class I didn't have any problem with the first task of the class and I was able to understand what Mr. Vinod was telling us to do but the pressure begins to pile up when the fiirst assignment was given because it was quite a lot. Before the second class begin I didn't have that many problem on doing this work but there are some bits and pieces that I wish I know how to do but overall is still decent. For the second task is a little bit easier and not that hard to do and it was also quite fun to do the progression. Overall it was not really a stressful weeks.

For my observations I realise that some of my classmates are quite shock about the first assignment that we got because not gonna lie it was quite a lot but when the second week come at the day of submission most of my classmate have done a great job on designing their work, I also notice some unique works from my classmates that I would never have thought of doing it or even come up with that ideas so it was quite something.

In my findings I said that I have no big problem on doing my assignments on my experience but it doesn't mean that I didn't forget how to correctly use adobe illustrator and thats where I found out that I have forgot most of the tools on illustrator and how to use them but I watch a couple illustrator tutorial video on youtube and little by little it came to me again and I'm back to normal, the other finding is I found making a letter to look realistic to their surrounding in task type and play is quite hard.


Typographic Systems - Kimberly Elam.

The reason that I choose this book as my further reading is because the book itself is related so much with our task 1, it tells us about all the ideas and important things about typographic systems and it also shows us the structural elements of each single system and it also provide us some examples of the typographic systems design. From this book I learnt that typographic system is a complex structural for a designer to create.


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