
Showing posts from July, 2020


INTERACTIVE DESIGN - FINAL PROJECT. WEEK 11 - WEEK 15 (24, June 2020 - 22, July 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Interactive Design Final Project. INSTRUCTIONS. FINAL PROJECT. So for our final project, we were told to create a website for one of our classmate. We were given the opportunity to search for our partner ourself and both of us had to be a client and the designer. The job of a client is to come up with the content that he/she wants to have on the website and the job of the designer is to design the whole web page and make it into reality by making it on Dreamweaver. The first thing that we had to do with our client is to discuss what type of website does she/he wants and then we look for some references from the internet to get some inspiration and ideas, after doing the research on the internet we have to come up with a color scheme that we want to use on the website after all of that is done we have to gather up all of the pieces of information or ideas that we have into a m


INTERACTIVE DESIGN - PROJECT 2. WEEK 8 - WEEK 10 (03, June 2020 - 17, June 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Interactive Design Project 2. LECTURES. Due to COVID- 19, the university has decided to conduct the learning via online or e-learning. WEEK 8 (03/06/2020) LECTURE 8 "Bootstrap Introduction and Responsive Website" This week Mr. Lun and Mr. Shamsul taught us about bootstrap and we also learn about the responsive web page where we can adjust the size of the web page and the web content follows how the platform orientation should be. WEEK 6 (10/06/2020) LECTURE 9 "Project 2" There was no class for this week because we were told to focus on doing our website project 2. WEEK 7 (17/06/2020) LECTURE 10 "Project 2" There was no lecture given for this week because we were told to focus on finishing our website project 2. INSTRUCTIONS. PROJECT 2. For project 2 we were told to create a website using Adobe Dreamweaver according to our previous project which is pro


INTERACTIVE DESIGN - PROJECT 1. WEEK 5 - WEEK 7 (13, May 2020 - 27, May 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Interactive Design Project 1. LECTURES. Due to COVID- 19, the university has decided to conduct the learning via online or e-learning. WEEK 5 (13/05/2020) LECTURE 5 "Text Properties" This week Mr. Lun and Mr. Shamsul taught us about the CSS boxes model and display properties and also taught us some text properties code. WEEK 6 (20/05/2020) LECTURE 6 "Project 1" There was no lecture for week 6 because we were told to focus on our layout project design. WEEK 7 (27/05/2020) LECTURE 7 "Project 1" There was no lecture for this week because we were told to focus on our landing page for project one. INSTRUCTIONS. PROJECT 1. fig.1.1 Project 1 first sketches. fig. 1.2 Project 1-second sketches. fig. 1.3 Project 1 Final Result. We were then told to create a landing page using google slides and insert our final result of project 1 in.


DESIGN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - RESEARCH REPORT & PRESENTATION. WEEK 13 - WEEK 14 (13, July 2020 - 20, July 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Design Research Methodology Research Report and Presentation. LECTURES. Due to COVID- 19, the university has decided to conduct the learning via online or e-learning. WEEK 13 LECTURE 13 "FINAL PROJECT" This week of DRM Dr. Hayati and Dr. Jinchi told us and explain to us what the final presentation has to be and we have to summarize all of the 3 tasks that we have created before whish is the proposal, critical review, and the primary data. WEEK 14 LECTURE 14 "FINAL PROJECT" There was no lecture for this week because we were told to focus on our final presentation. INSTRUCTION. FEEDBACKS. WEEK 13: No feedback is given because I was absent that week. WEEK 14: No feedback is given because we were told to finish our final project. FINAL RESEARCH REPORT AND PRESENTATION. Presentation Slides  (Google Slides) Presentation Slides (PPT)


DESIGN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - PRIMARY DATA. WEEK 7 - WEEK 12 (01, June 2020 - 06, July 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Design Research Methodology Primary Data. LECTURES. Due to COVID- 19, the university has decided to conduct the learning via online or e-learning. WEEK 7 (01/06/2020) LECTURE 7 No lecture was given due to public holidays. WEEK 8 (08/06/2020) LECTURE 8 "Primary Data Collection and Creative Media Researchers" This week Dr. Jinchi continued last week's lesson where she thought us about the differences between quantitative and qualitative research and also briefed us about our next task before the final presentation project. WEEK 9 (15/06/2020) LECTURE 9 "Public Holiday" No lecture was given due to public holidays. WEEK 10 (22/06/2020) LECTURE 10 "Continuing Primary Project" This week we have no lecture because we were told to focus on our primary data work. WEEK 11 (29/06/2020) LECTURE 11 "Deadline Info" This week Dr. Hayati and


DESIGN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - CRITICAL REVIEW. WEEK 5 - WEEK 7 (11, May 2020 - 25, May 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Design Research Methodology Critical Reviews. LECTURES. Due to COVID- 19, the university has decided to conduct the learning via online or e-learning. WEEK 5 (11/05/2020) LECTURE 5 "Public Holiday" There was no lecture given this week due to a public holiday. WEEK 6 (18/05/2020) LECTURE 6 "Quantitative and Qualitative Research" This week Dr. Jinchi was explaining the pros and cons of quantitative and qualitative research. WEEK 7 (25/05/2020) LECTURE 5 "Public Holiday" There was no lecture given this week due to a public holiday. INSTRUCTION. FEEDBACKS. WEEK 5: No feedback was given due to public holidays. WEEK 6: In the 6th week of the research methodology class, Ms. Jinchi reminding me on look through the critical review lecture and rewrite my first critical review. For my first critical review, Ms. Jinchi told me that I should red


DESIGN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - PROPOSAL. WEEK 1 - WEEK 4 (13, April 2020 - 04, May 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Design Research Methodology Proposal. LECTURES. Due to COVID- 19, the university has decided to conduct the learning via online or e-learning. WEEK 1 (13/04/2020) LECTURE 1 "Introduction" In our first week of design research methodology, Dr. Noorhayati Saad and Dr. Yip Jinchi briefed us about the module and also walk us through where we can find all the learning materials that they have already prepared for us for the next meetings, they have also explained to us about the specialization that we are going to choose later on.   WEEK 2 (20/04/2020) LECTURE 2 "Problem Statement, Research Objectives, Research Questions" In the second week of DRM, we learn about how to come up with our own problem statement, research objectives, and research questions, Dr. Yip Jinchi also showed us some example about the topic that we learned that day and Dr. Yip Jinchi also


TYPOGRAPHY - FINAL COMPILATION & REFLECTION. WEEK 1 - WEEK 14 (17, April 2020 - 17, July 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Typography Final Compilation & Reflection. INSTRUCTION. LINKS. EXERCISES PROJECT 1 PROJECT 2A PROJECT 2B EXERCISE 1. fig. 1.1 Final Work. fig. 1.2 Exercise 1 Final Work PDF. fig. 1.3 LOUD final work. fig. 1.4 LOUD Final Work GIF PDF. EXERCISE 2. fig. 1.5  Name Card JPEG. fig. 1.6  Article 1 JPEG. fig. 1.7 Article 2 JPEG. PROJECT 1. fig. 1.8 Final work JPEG. fig. 1.9 Project 1 Final Work PDF. PROJECT 2. fig. 2.1 Project 2 Final Work JPEG. fig. 2.2 Project 2 Final Work PDF. Download font here. FINAL PROJECT. fig. 2.3 SIN N SOLVE POSTER JPEG. fig. 2.4 SIN N SOLVE Poster PDF. fig. 2.5 SIN N SOLVE GIF PDF. REFLECTION.  This is my reattempt Typography class and it is


TYPOGRAPHY - FINAL PROJECT.  WEEK 9 - WEEK 14 (12, June 2020 - 17, July 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Typography Project 2B:  Typography: Expression, Hierarchy & Composition LECTURES. LECTURE 9: 12/06/2020 - WEEK 9 "Final Project Brief" In week 9 Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul brief us through about the final project, brief us about what are we going to do, what are going to create or design, when is the submission date, when is the deadline, and what templates are we going to use for the final project. Mr. Vinod told us to come up with some phrases as the text on our final project and also give a little bit of feedback on the phrase's ideas. LECTURE 10: 19/06/2020 - WEEK 10 Final Project process" For this week we were told to post our poster sketches ideas or design on the  typography Facebook page so that Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul can go through on our work and progress, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul also gave us some fe


TYPOGRAPHY - PROJECT 2.  WEEK 6 - WEEK 8 (22, May 2020 - 05, June 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Typography Project 2: Font Design. LECTURES. LECTURE 6: 22/05/2020 - WEEK 6 "Start of Project 2" For week 6 Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul told us to start on our project 2 which is creating our own typeface or font. Mr. Vinod has given us some letters and signs for us to create, the letters that were given: a, e, o, p, t, i, m, t, h, g, b, d, y, ! , . we were told to sketch out our ideas for the project and we also learn how to align the letters with guides. LECTURE 7: 29/05/2020 - WEEK 7 "Project 2 Process" Week 7 is all about giving feedback on the lettering design that we have created from our sketches, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul were checking on our typeface sketches and giving everyone feedback about their designs. Mr. Shamsul also thought us how to digitalize our typeface sketches by using Adobe Illustrator. LE


TYPOGRAPHY - PROJECT 1.  WEEK 4 - WEEK 5 (08, May 2020 - 15, May 2020) Angdio Nagarico (0340052) Typography Project 1:  Text Formatting & Expression LECTURES. LECTURE 4: 08/05/2020 - WEEK 4 "Letter Formatting" Week 4 is all about letter formatting, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul taught us about letter formatting on Adobe InDesign such as how to create a name card using Adobe InDesign and also how to create and edit an article that we have created before, we also learned the difference between letter spacing and kerning and how to letter space a word and kerning a word. We were also given a task to create 3 or 4 different types of our own name cards and also create our own article by using Adobe InDesign. LECTURE 5: 15/05/2020 - WEEK 5 "Project 1 Feedback" For week 5 Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul were giving us feedback for the final work of our project 1 which is the Letter Formatting project, Mr. Vinod also suggested all of us